
Give Whale A Chance Blog 1

"Gives Whales A Chance" By: Harshit Kumar (V-E) Whales are the largest and most powerful creatures on earth. They live in all of the oceans of the world. They are not fish. Whales are mammals. They are warm-blooded. They breathe air. They give birth to live young. Baby whales drink their mother's milk. Whales are called  Cetaceans . Other Cetaceans include dolphins and porpoises. Whales are social creatures. They travel in groups called  pods  or  schools . They breathe through their nostrils, called  blowholes . They must surface above the water to breathe. The blow-hole is on top of the whale's head. When whales breathe out, this vapor looks like a fountain. The blowhole is closed when the whale dives below the ocean. Some whales can stay under the water for up to an hour. Whales have been commercially hunted since the 11th century, primarily for their oil and meat.  Hunting became more widespread in the 17th century, and the industry was booming from the 1700s to